
Reviews and views about all things interesting...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Survive Style 5 + Review

Now here is an interesting piece of entertainment! I came across this film after seeing an amusing looking clip from Jonathan Ross’s Japanorama on BBC 3. Imagine Vinne Jones playing his usual tough man role in a cool Japanese film with crazy cartoon style characters and a severely twisted and imaginative plot, mix it all together, add a few squirts of blood and you have Survive Style 5 +!

The film features amongst others:

  • A man who repeatedly murders his wife, only for her to continually reappear in his house after every killing.
  • A woman who imagines some of the most bizarre and humorous adverts ever created
  • A man who is left to live as a chicken after the man who hypnotised him is murdered onstage.
  • A group of weird and eccentric thieves with a penchant for playing cards.
  • A psychotic hit man (played by Jones) and his sidekick who will kill anyone for the right price.

Throughout the film, the characters paths cross and the storyline slowly unfolds with insane genius. In one scene a woman attacks her husband using her arms as missiles; in another, a couple of friends drink water through their head after removing their toupees! Somehow it all begins to make sense as the film progresses, but unlike so many movies it’s impossible to predict what will happen next.

I would recommend this film to anyone who likes their films out of the ordinary. An amusing and enjoyable way to pass the time. Highly recommended!


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